Thursday, May 22, 2014

What India can learn from USA?

“India is struggling with many adversities. These stumbles gives opportunity to bounce back more intelligently like USA has revived from downturn more strongly.”

USA is eminent for its infrastructure, law and order, immigrant friendly environment, free public school education (till grade-12), facility for people with disability, women freedom etc. but above all USA is leading the world because they have the best principles. Message flows in society very fast. People have self-integrity, everyone takes the obligation and contributes towards success. USA recognizes the problems before disaster and starts working on it, takes risk when required. Now USA is working on some hurdles. It’s difficult to cover everything but some of them are education, obesity, unemployment, health insurance.

Americans ate lots of junk food before and spent more money in restaurants but now they are cooking more meals at home, many American started doing this since economy slump in 2007.  They are eating more vegetables and fruits and kept soda out of home. Finally the scales persistent climb has leveled off and the secret of slimming down has revealed, record low obesity rate has thrilled everyone, what a progress they have made over together, thanks to the recession.

USA is focusing more in STEM (science technology engineering and mathematics) education now. STEM curriculum integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an organized manner based on real life application, more students should pursue their career in STEM because it drives a county forward. It’s an attempt to meet International standard in mathematics and engineering where American Kids are struggling lately. Of course the efforts for education reform is leading towards success and school drop outs has fallen down. According to Times higher education world university ranking ,46 USA universities are in top 100 global universities and unfortunately there are no Indian universities but only IIT Guwahati ranked 87th among top 100 global universities under 50 years old.

Upgrading infrastructure is a major step USA has taken against unemployment. Construction is going on in roads, bridges, ports, airports, schools, power grids etc. Investing in infrastructure has created lots of jobs and simultaneously USA is becoming more attractive.

ObamaCare is increasing quality, availability and affordability for uninsured people. Young adults can stay in parents plan until 26 years. It is even improved for seniors, though there are new taxes mostly on high earners and short-term increase in healthcare cost. It’s very risky for people to stay uninsured. Anyone can be diseased anytime, lack of insurance may neglect an immunization of a child or it may delay an early identification from routine visit or it may cause an expensive emergency room treatment. ObamaCare is a visionary investment for countries secured future and citizen’s health. It’s a peace of mind for people who have lost job or whose employer do not provide insurance, for a dependent who is no longer covered. It has brought a major reformation in USA healthcare.

The Federal Reserve has kept the rate near zero since 2008.USA Government bailout during collapse was a biggest financial risk taken by USA and also criticized by many. But it saved the global collapse and now making money too. It has saved many too big to fail organizations like Citigroup, J. P. Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, GM, Chrysler etc. after Lehman Brothers collapse .This decision avoided severe recession that time.
India had a great history and magnificent culture. Astronomy, yoga, chess game, Ayurveda (ancient medicine). Sanskrit (the mother of many languages), Trigonometry, Decimal System is originated in India. India has countless contribution in mathematics, number ‘zero’ has invented in India and the value of “Pi” was first estimated in India. One of the ancient Indian surgeon Sushruta is believed to be the first one to describe plastic surgery.

India had dominated IT (Information and Technology) industry for over two decades but could not improve with international market, other countries has provided better infrastructure and business friendly environment with a lower cost. Now India is one among many countries for high-end IT practice and solutioning.

Once India was very good in innovation but now India’s R&D (Research and development) and Engineering is missing International standard.

India is struggling with problems like corruption, inflation, unemployment, cultural degradation, environmental pollution, deprived quality of education etc. India’s raising rape rate is shocking the whole world.

Exit from these crises needs strong leadership and vision. The recent change in government has brought lots of hope in India for a brighter future but nothing is possible without citizen’s effort.

In USA people have adoption, adaption and awareness. These three A’s making America exceptional and are lacking in India. So all Indians have to stop blaming each other and bring the best in ourselves. We have to save our country. Our history will definitely give us another chance to prove us and come back to track.